Codfish Delicacy / Delicija od bakalara

Bakalar na bijelo
Traditional Croatian Christmas Eve Dish

Bakalar je riba koja dolazi iz Sjevernog mora, u naše dućane najčešće dolazi iz Norveške.
Nekad je to bila jeftina riba, jeftinija od  domaće svježe ribe,
pa se zato i udomaćila na našim tanjurima.
A razlog za tako veliku popularnost kroz desetljeća je i činjenica da se bakalar kupuje suh,
što je u vrijeme kad nije bilo struje niti frižidera, bila velika prednost
naspram lako kvarljive svježe ribe.

Suhi bakalar se može kupiti vakumiran ili rinfužo,
ali je važno da ima deklaraciju ili pečat određene vrste -
Gadus morhua.
Najpraktičniji je onaj težine 400-600 g za jedan obiteljski obrok.
Naravno, može se pripremiti i polovica bakalara,
kao što sam i ja.

Codfish coms from the Northern Sea, it comes mainly from Norway to our stores.
It used to be a cheap fish, much more affordable then fresh, local fish,
that's why it became part of our traditional cousine.
Another reason of being so popular over ages is the fact that codfish comes dried,
which was very important fact in past when there was no electricity or fridges.

You can buy dried codfish vacumeted or not,
but it is important that it has declaration or a stamp of certain kind -
Gadus morhua.
Most practical is one of 400-600 g for a family meal.
Of couse, you can prepare the half,
just like I did.


Pošto se bakalar kupuje suh, mora se namakati prije kuhanja.
Najbolje je da u vodi provede barem 48 sati, s tim da se drugi dan voda zamijeni svježom.
Bakalar se stavi kuhati u širu posudu,
zalije svježom vodom i kuha se dok meso ne bude skoro pa gotovo, mekano.
Voda u kojoj se bakalar kuhao se ne baca,
sačuva se za poslije.

Since the codfish comes very dry, it must be soaked before cooking.
It is best to be soaked for at least 48 hours, and change the water the next day with fresh one.
You can prepare codfish in a broader pot.
Pour some fresh water over and cook untill the meat is almost done, soft and tender.
Keep the water in which codfish has been cooked,
we will use it later on.


Meso bakalara se očisti od kostiju i kože.
Take off fish bones and skin.

Meso bakalara je mliječno bijele boje.
Miriše odlično.
The codfish meat is milky white.
Smells great.

 Peršin i češnjak izrezati na sitno.
Pripremiti očišćeni krumpir (cca 2 kg),
sol i maslinovo ulje (najmanje 2 dcl).
Chop off  plenty of parsley and garlic.
Prepare pealed potatoes (cca 2 kg),
salt and olive oil (at least 2 dcl).
Uzmite širu posudu za kuhanje,
dno poškropite sa malo maslinovog ulja,
posložite red krumpira izrezanog na ploške,
dodajte red bakalara.
Take a cooking pot,
sprinkle some olive oil on the bottom,
cut potatoes into slices and cover the bottom,
place some codfish over.
 Pospite peršinom i češnjakom obilato,
polijte uljem.
Sprinkle profusely some galic and parsley over,
pour some olive oil.
 Potom se opet slaže krumpir, bakalar,
peršin, češnjak, ulje,  krumpir...
dok se sve ne potroši.
Neka najgornji red budu krumpiri.
You have to place sliced potatoes again, then codfish,
then garlic and parsley, olive oil,
potatoes again....
untill you use it all.
Make sure that the top layer are potatoes.
 Zalijte vodom u kojoj se kuhao bakalar,
tako da samo ogrezne, ne previše.
Zasolite, popaprite.
Ovo jelo se ne miješa, samo se tu i tamo malo podrma posuda.
Cover with  codfish water mentioned earlier,
but not too much, just to cover it.
Add some salt, pepper.
Don't stear this meal, just shake a pot once a while.
 Staviti kuhati na srednje jaku dok ne zakuha, a poslije na laganu vatru.
Pošto je bakalar već bio skoro skuhan,
kad se krumpir skuha, gotovo je jelo.
Put it on the stove at medium heat untill it boils, then on light heat.
Since the codfish has been almost cooked already,
this dish is finished when potatoes are done.
 Poslužite  odmah,
ali i hladno je isto ukusno.
Serve at once,
but once cooled is also very tasteful.
Ovo je tradicionalno posno jelo
koje se priprema za Badnjak i Veliki petak.
Ako se odlučite pripremiti bakalar po ovom receptu,
javite se!
 This is a traditional meal
that we prapare both for Christmas Eve and Great Friday.
Once you prepare it,
I would love to hear from you!
Ako ne volite ili ne možete pronaći suhi bakalar,
 ili vam je suhi bakalar previše skup,
možete kupiti i zamrznute filete svježeg bakalara.
Priprema je ista, samo nema potrebe namakati takav bakalar
već se tako smrznut kida na komadiće i stavlja u lonac.
If you dislike dried codfish or you can't find it in a stores near you,
or you find it way too expencive,
you can buy frozen fresh codfish file.
The preparation is very much the same,
there is no need of soaking that codfish,
just cut frozen codfish into pieces and put them in a pot.

Također, ako kupite malo veći suhi bakalar i skuhate ga cijelog,
uvijek možete odvojiti dio vode u kojoj  se bakalar kuhao
i dio mesa, te zamrznite odvojeno.
Dan prije, izvadite iz dubokog da se lagano otopi do sutra,
te pripremajte na isti način.
Also, if you buy a bigger dried codfish and you decide to cook it all,
you can separate one part of the water where codfish was cooked in
and one part meat and deep freeze it.
One day before you need it, take it out of freezer
so it defrosts slowly by tomorrow
and prepare it further like described.

Na ovaj način pripremamo i Jadranske lignje Loligo vulgaris (recept),
ali i drugu frišku bijelu ribu.

We also prepare Adriatic calamary Loligo vulgaris like this (receipe),
and other fresh white fish.

Have a nice day!

This receipe has been featured at:
Thank you!!



  1. Yummy! It's healthy & useful for body during winter. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Looks so yummy Ana! Thanks for sharing! xx
    Vesna - Home Chic Club


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